Books | Photonics

Photonics Books

Photonics Books

Laser Processing of Engineering Materials - Principles, Procedure and Industrial Application

The complete guide to understanding and using lasers in material processing! Lasers are now an integral part of modern society, providing extraordinary opportunities for innovation in an ever-widening range of material processing and manufacturing applications. The study of laser material processing is a core element of many materials and manufacturing courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Thin Film Solar Cells: Fabrication, Characterization and Applications

This book aims to present for the first time an in-depth overview of this topic covering a broad range of thin-film solar cell technologies including both organic and inorganic materials, presented in a systematic fashion, by the scientific leaders in the respective domains. It covers a broad range of related topics, from physical principles to design, fabrication, characterization, and applications of novel photovoltaic devices.

Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials

The Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials has been prepared to give a broad coverage of a wide range of electronic and photonic materials, starting from fundamentals and building up to advanced topics and applications. Its wide coverage with clear illustrations and applications, its chapter sequencing and logical flow, make it very different than other electronic materials handbooks. Each chapter has been prepared either by experts in the field or instructors who have been teaching the subject at a university or in corporate laboratories.