Books | Heat Treatment

Heat Treatment Books

Heat Treatment Books

Microwaves and Metals

This is the first book to bring together the fundamentals of microwaves, microwave heating, interaction of microwaves with metals, and its application to other materials. The authors have combined numerous research results from a wide range of sources alongside their own work in the field. Also included are overviews of microwave heating of other non-metal materials and the equipment used for microwave-assisted metallurgy. With microwave techniques poised for widespread adoption, Microwaves and Metals is an essential text for all metallurgists and materials engineers.

High Temperature Coatings

High Temperature Coatings demonstrates how to counteract the thermal effects of the rapid corrosion and degradation of exposed materials and equipment that can occur under high operating temperatures. This is the first true practical guide on the use of thermally-protective coatings for high-temperature applications, including the latest developments in materials used for protective coatings. It covers the make-up and behavior of such materials under thermal stress and the methods used for applying them to specific types of substrates, as well as invaluable advice on inspection and repair of existing thermal coatings.