ZSX Primus Wavelength Dispersive XRF (WDXRF) Spectrometer

The latest instrument in Rigaku's ZSX series, the ZSX Primus continues the tradition of delivering accurate results in a timely and seamless manner, with unsurpassed reliability, flexibility, and ease of use to meet any challenges in today's laboratory. With Rigaku's experience in anticipating and exceeding customer expectations, the ZSX Primus is the #1 answer to ALL your X-ray needs.

The ZSX Primus provides aggressive performance with the flexibility for analyzing the most complex samples. The 30-micron tube, the thinnest end-window tube available in the industry, guarantees that light elements are easy and clear to interpret. Combined with the most advanced mapping package to detect homogeneity and inclusions, the ZSX Primus is heads above the competition. With a smaller footprint than other full-size XRF instruments, the ZSX Primus is ready to meet the challenges facing your lab in the 21st century.


  • Analysis of elements from Be to U
  • Smaller footprint: Requires less valuable lab space
  • Microanalysis: Analyze samples as small as 500 µ
  • Tube-below design: Optimized for liquids and loose powders
  • 30 µ tube: Best light element performance in the industry
  • Mapping: elemental topography/distribution
  • He seals: Sample chamber is always under vacuum
Rigaku ZSX Primus Series WDXRF spectrometers

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