Ibtisam Abbasi

Ibtisam Abbasi

B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering

Ibtisam graduated from the Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering. During his academic career, he has worked on several research projects and has successfully managed several co-curricular events such as the International World Space Week and the International Conference on Aerospace Engineering.

Having won an English prose competition during his undergraduate degree, Ibtisam has always been keenly interested in research, writing, and editing. Soon after his graduation, he joined AzoNetwork as a freelancer to sharpen his skills.

Ibtisam loves to travel, especially visiting the countryside. He has always been a sports fan and loves to watch tennis, soccer, and cricket. Born in Pakistan, Ibtisam one day hopes to travel all over the world.

Articles from Ibtisam

New Transistors for Ground-Breaking Semiconductors

What are the Different Types of Heat Treatment Furnaces?

What Raw Materials are Used in Textile Production?

How Does Compressed Air Energy Storage Work?

The Most Recent Developments In Energy Storage Technology

What Raw Materials are Used in Cosmetics?

How is Fuel Efficiency Improved in Modern Aircraft?

Particle Analysis of Different Types of Automotive Fuels

What are the Applications of Particle Analysis in Environmental Monitoring?

What are the Main Differences between Thermoplastics and Thermosetting Polymers?