Journals | Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology Journals

Nanoscale technology is a suite of techniques used to manipulate matter at the scale of atoms and molecules. "Nano" is a measurement - not an object. Unlike "biotechnology," where you know that bios (life) is being manipulated, "nanotechnology" speaks solely to scale.


Nano Today: Elsevier

Nano Today is the international magazine for researchers with interests across the whole of nanoscience and technology and is now covered by Thomson Scientific. Through its unique mixture of peer-reviewed articles, the latest research news, and information on key developments, Nano Today provides comprehensive coverage.

Nano Letters: American Chemical Society Publications

Nano Letters reports on fundamental research in all branches of the theory and practice of nanoscience and nanotechnology, providing rapid disclosure of the key elements of a study, publishing preliminary, experimental, and theoretical results on the physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, along with processes and applications of structures within the nanoscale range.