Posted in | Machining


The CryoMill is a lab mill tailored for cryogenic grinding. The grinding jar is continually cooled with liquid nitrogen from the integrated cooling system before and during the grinding process.

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The sample in the lab mill is embrittled and volatile components are preserved. The liquid nitrogen circulates through the system and is continually replenished from an Autofill system in the exact amount which is required to keep the temperature at -196 °C.

Powerful impact ball milling results in a perfect grinding efficiency. The Autofill system avoids direct contact with LN2 and makes cryogenic grinding very safe. Its versatility (cryogenic, wet and dry grinding at room temperature) makes the CryoMill the ideal lab mill for quantities up to 20 ml.

Run Time - 4:37

Cryogenic ball mill CryoMill - Introduction #RETSCH #cryomill #laboratoryinstruments


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